Chubb Chubb World

We are the ones who don't believe in skinny. Not slaves to fad diets Or Burger King lines. Happily curved and strong. Chubb Chubbs...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A major plea.


I have defied my own evil habits and truly made a dent in this healthy weight journey. I have lost 22lbs. In my mind, I still have a ways to go, but I take this weightloss as the accomplishment it is.

It always feels good to reach goals, and mine have felt better and better with every pound gone. However, the days of magical Zumba fitness are passing me, as income changes are forcing me to be more frugal with my budget.

Its a tough economy for nearly everyone right now (with the exception of the minority wealthy). And we all have to make some tough decisions about how we spend our finances. I, for one, am no stranger to these decisions, and unfortunately $40 extra bucks a month for Zumba seemed counterproductive when I could barely afford to buy healthy groceries.

As it is, I desperately want to add some weight resistance to my workouts. Most of what I do now is cardio/aerobic, and its just not enough. As many people know (and many more dont), muscle burns calories long after any workout. The more muscle a person has, the more calories they will burn regularly.

Here's the thing though.

Im not exactly in a place financially to invest in hand weights, or weighted vests, or any of that.

Usually, I am simply reporting my success and failures with this blog. But now I am making a plea to the entire community.

If you, or anyone you know, has any weights no longer in use (perhaps a lighter weight you've plateau'd with) or weighted vests that they'd be willing to donate to one young lady's weightloss journey, please do.

It is so important for me to get my health status to a good place. And I am learning more, and more, that it is important for me to ask for help when something seems out of my reach.

So, won't you help me?
As a beginner, I'm not looking for anything expensive or extremely heavy. Anything up to 20lbs in hand weights, or 60lbs in a vest, would be wonderful. I do mean anything. That includes cannon ball weights.

I appreciate whatever you, my loyal reader, may be able to offer.

1 comment:

  1. I got u... Whatever you need, I'm down...
