Chubb Chubb World

We are the ones who don't believe in skinny. Not slaves to fad diets Or Burger King lines. Happily curved and strong. Chubb Chubbs...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

21!!!! And a half....

A few days ago, I met up with an old enemy of mine.... The scale... I looked at it.... It stared back up at me with that cold digital 0000... And then we faced off.

I stepped up on the scale with hesitancy. Lately, the past couple of weeks, nearly a month, I had fallen off of posting my calories to the MyFitnessPal app on my phone, and had to stop doing Zumba for financial reasons. *tear*

Like many women across America, I braced myself and looked down. YESSSSSS! I was DEFINITELY smaller. I went to my app and input my new weight, to which my app responded "Oh, hell yes, girlfriend!!!".

Okay... It didnt actually say that. Its not like i have an iPhone with crazy Siri on it... But it did display my weight loss with exclamation points like this: Lwright has lost a total of 21.6 lbs!!!

Doesnt that feel like a cyber "Oh hell, yes girlfriend" to you? No? That's because you, are a hater.

21.6 lbs... Wow. That means I am one pound lighter than I was last May, before I gained all this weight.....

This may sound like a setback, but to me its a victory for two reasons. For one, I managed not to gain extra weight, even when I wasnt monitoring myself. Hopefully this means that I am becoming more intuned with what my body needs to become more fit. Healthy living may become more natural to me.

Secondly, it is a sign of something I experienced in late January, when I found myself sobbing profusely over my Grandfather's passing last spring. I'd finally let go. Even though he died last spring, I did not shed one tear. It wasnt in me. I thought maybe I was dysfunctional. Instead of crying, I somehow gained 20lbs. I say somehow because I had a very physical summer job, and ate pretty healthy foods... Yet and still, the weight came.

I think that when I finally sobbed like a child in January, it allowed me to let go of whatever it was that was holding me back from grieving, and packing pounds onto my frame. Consequently, a weight has been lifted, literally and figuratively.

So... I am happy with myself. Twentyone and a half pounds is a good indicator of change. But I am certainly not content. I intend to keep going, pushing towards the next ten pound loss.

Hope it gets there...

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