Chubb Chubb World

We are the ones who don't believe in skinny. Not slaves to fad diets Or Burger King lines. Happily curved and strong. Chubb Chubbs...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Got to have a Plan!!!

Ok... so here's a breakdown of my diet format these days....

BIG STEP: I eat 6x a day. This is as of January 4th... so my body is still adjusting. Although eating "more" sounded like some kind of conspiracy... It really works. but you have to read the "fine print". Eating more means eating more often. Not bigger. So if you can normally wolf down a Big Mac and fries like a food-eating champ.... it doesnt mean more Big Macs. It means eat half a Big Mac now.... and half in two hours. Yea... the fun is fading now, isnt it?

The whole thing sounded difficult to a busy person like me... But I am a Virgo. So I love any excuse to make lists and get organized. I bought 3 snack bowls and 2 portable meal containers. Everything I bought was already sized pretty appropriately so my proportions stay reasonable. It also gives me no excuse to eat out at fast food, or succumb to greasy nasty foods, when my meals can go with me.

Now... I mentioned in my first post that I have a sugar addiction. Let's think about that for a second. Im not going to make it if I have to eat veggies day in and day out all day. So, once a week, I give myself a cheat day. During that day I can have a snack or two of sweety delish sugary goodness. Mmm... transfat..... (I never said I was a pro)... I also keep a gallon of iced-green tea. Its a nice drink alternative to water, and you know what they say about all those anti-oxidants!

Generally I eat chicken, salmon, and turkey. I think pork is the Devil's meat. I can't stand it! the few times in the past decade that I have somehow been tricked into eating swine, my stomach goes on hiatus for about three days. Pain like you've never seen. I hardly eat beef. Usually, beef that I consume is in the form of burgers. ie, already partially processed. I love vegetables. Love them. Especially broccoli and spinach.

I’d like to take the time to point out that while some of you readers may be frowning, or think to themselves that I’ve brainwashed myself into liking these particular veggies, you would be highly mistaken. I have always, always loved certain veggies; even as a kid. For the purpose of getting my body in order, however, I stick to stir fry or steamed veggies mostly. It’s quick, and its easy. A few days ago. I slipped a sweet potato into the mix. Baked in the oven… I forgot how filling those things are!

The hardest part of this eating journey is the boredom. When I get bored, or emotional…. or bored and emotional (usually when thinking about my lacking love life. Ha!) I tend to snack. And that’s not even including the random sugar cravings. But my goal is to substitute these mindless cravings with water. I also read a trick once where if you eat something sour or bitter, you wont go for the sugar because it wont taste sweet anymore. We will see if that works….. I highly doubt it. Me and sugar have a longstanding relationship.

Monday through Friday, I watch Dr. Oz. Yes… I am a Dr. Oz fan. Even as I write this, I feel excited about the free “Just 10” band from Zappos that just came in the mail. They accidentally sent me two so I gave one to my grandmother. It’s a wristband that serves to remind me that I matter, and I’m worth it. Just 10 pounds can make a difference. We will see if it works. It was pretty good yesterday when my actresses pulled out every sugary/salty snack ever made. I’m directing a play by the way. Theater is sort of my career. Mostly. ;)

I also have a chart that goes B(breakfast), S(snack), L(lunch), S,S, D(dinner). There’s a line for each letter, and I journal my meals. The journaling thing is not as bad as I thought. I am really not a daily/consistent person when it comes to writing. Seriously. I don’t know what made me think to blog about this… ha. Keep the faith I guess.

Love you all, my fellow Chubb Chubbs. Remember... good food is delish, but good living is sweeter!

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