Chubb Chubb World

We are the ones who don't believe in skinny. Not slaves to fad diets Or Burger King lines. Happily curved and strong. Chubb Chubbs...

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Bandwagon and the lifeboat

For the past few days, I have been swimming in the sea... and since I live in Ohio, and all we have is a lake, it's probably safe to assume that my swimming is metaphorical. I mean the red sea. The one women avoid like the plague, and then get helplessly plunged into every month like the flight of the lemmings...
I don't know a single woman that enjoys that time of the month. I know a few who are always greeting it in relief- glad to have escaped the reproductive grind once again...

But anyway, I find myself thrown into the despot of bloody madness and craving things.... sweet things... sugary sweet things.

This past week I hopped on the bandwagon... and gave into bad eating habits...

It all started with tech week of my play... for those of you who don't know, tech week of any play is commonly referred to as "hell week." Its when all the intricacies, including light cues and set changes, become cemented. It is a week of tense nerves, irregular hectic schedules, and laaaate hours. Needless to say, tech week is not a good week for someone who is still trying to get the hang of healthy and regular eating and rest.

This, coupled with the onset of RED DOOM and cravings, and topped off with opening night cake and drink, meant disaster.
And so.... the end of my January was totally Chubbchubb indulgent, and enjoyable. But it was also fatty nonsense and sleeplessness. Not a good combo....

Its very disheartening to mark the end of my first month this way... usually, by now I would have become frustrated and given up. But then I think... "hey, its only the first month." I have like 17 months left... alotta weeks to do worse than this.

On the upside, my play is going very well. I have two brilliant actresses playing eight rambunctious characters, and we all got through opening weekend. *phew*

Still looking for a workout partner.... any takers? Let me know...

Love you all, my fellow ChubbChubbs. Remember, good food is delish, but good living is sweeter.

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